8 Tips to Promote Your Local Business Online


For many consumers, buying local has never been more important.

People want to support local business and will use online research prior to buying local.

So how can you make sure it’s your business they find?


Marketing your local business online is one of the most effective ways of attracting potential customers from your locality.


Here are some of the best strategies you can start putting into action right now to promote your local business effectively.


Let’s get into the details:

  • Improve local SEO
  • Carry out keyword research
  • Create high-quality LOCAL content
  • Add your business to local business listings
  • Encourage online reviews
  • Make your website fast and mobile responsive
  • Social media marketing
  • Study your competitors


Start Promoting With Google My Business

Manningham Council is providing a FREE Masterclasses for Manningham Local Businesses.

The program is a combination of online webinar and business mentoring to help you make the most of your free Google My Business listing.

Places are limited.

The link for the Google My Business event booking page is: https://www.manninghambusiness.com.au/events/google-my-business-2020-08-11/


Alison Evans Pinpoint Local – Digital Marketing for Local Business

Drop me a line or a phone call. 

Email:  alison.evans@pinpointlocal.com  | Phone: 0407 802 953  | W: www.pinpointlocalbusiness.com.au

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