Getting new customers can be tough for just about any business these days

But Video Marketing is a cutting-edge way to accomplish this goal.

Adding videos to your online marketing strategy can increase your online exposure and is an excellent way to convert leads into customers.

Videos will help you:

  • Quickly Deliver Your Message
  • Keep Visitors on Your Site Longer
  • Grab More Search Engine Visibility
  • And Easily Stand Out from Your Competitors

Use Videos to get more customers by:

  • Share on your Social Media Accounts
  • Create posts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest etc
  • Upload your video onto your business website

Does your business have a YouTube Channel?

  • Why not?
  • So easy to set up, and a great platform to host all your videos in one place.
  • Your videos may also show up in search, because Google owns YouTube …

View the Manningham Business Network YT Channel here:

Promotional Video is an additional benefit to joining MBN

  • Members of the Manningham Business Network have the opportunity to partner in the MBN Digital Footprint where you will have VIP access to a 30 second Promotional Video featuring your business.
  • Find out More Here:

So, if you have been thinking about using online videos to grow your business, now is the time.


Alison Evans Pinpoint Local – Digital Marketing for Business

If you or your business need help with your marketing message, I am providing a free Marketing Strategy Session for MBN members. Just drop me a line or a phone call.

Email:  | Phone: 0407 802 953  | W:

#manninghambusinessnetwork #thevoiceofbusinessinmanningham #sharelearngrow  #staysafe  #together #pinpointlocal

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