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The theme of this Business Breakfast focuses on the legal steps and requirements associated with the progression and passing-on of your business to new appointees.
Your business doesn’t have to come to an end … but your own personal involvement ultimately will. So, succession planning will plot this transition in an orderly manner and help create a smooth business handover to your successor(s).
Succession Law – Costanzo Lawyers
We are thrilled to have MBN’s Frank and Attilio Costanzo, who specialise in this chosen field of law, address our members and guests at this all-important meeting.
A broad range of legalities for discussion will include :-
– Wills with a testamentary trust,
– Both standard and blended families,
– Powers of Attorney, Financial & Guardianship, Medical,
– The Probate process and Disputed Estate Claims by excluded beneficiaries.
To efficiently use the presentation time available, Frank and Attilio will outline the pros and cons of these aspects of your succession intentions and offer qualified advice on issues raised in an open Question and Answer segment.
Succession Planning
Points of interest to share will include :-
– Are you investing in your key staff members?
– What value add-ons do you have in your business?
– Do you have intellectual property that can add value to your business?
– Do you have procedures in place to safeguard your plans?
Interactive Networking activities will be based around the topics :-
– What is your business continuity plan?
– How do you want to exit your business?
We urge all our MBN members and friends to attend this very informative presentation on Succession – a subject which applies to us all, whether it be for business purposes or simply our own personal future.