How to Get Clients and Increase Sales
Presented by Caroline Banhidy, CEO – Client Almighty
Caroline Banhidy is an expert marketer and entrepreneur with a long history of strategy consulting to big and small businesses alike. She specialises in helping business owners create Raving Fans who keep coming back and refer business to you.
Having worked with brands such a Bonds, Holeproof and the Olympics, she has also developed strategy for the retail giants such as Marks & Spencer in the UK and Target in the USA. She has a unique perspective on what makes a business successful and how to make “selling” obsolete.
As well as an Economics Degree, a MBA and 25+ years in business, she also studied with the modern Gurus of direct response in the USA, mastered the art of education and internet marketing and delved into the world of copywriting. Caroline brings her understanding of behavioural economics and neuroscience to the table to add further insight into the art of creating value for your customers.
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