Tuesday 8 June, 2021

7:30 am - 9:00 am

Covid 19 restrictions have called for a change in plans

MBN’s June Business Connection

will now be a Virtual On-Line Presentation.


A bonus pack of vouchers has just landed!

Book Now to be one of the next 5 attendees who will receive an

MBN Reward Card to redeem through local businesses


Kerry Anne Nelson of Operation Verve is presenting a fabulous Keynote Address on

Your Business Freedom Machine


All entrepreneurs start out with a vision of a business that made a real impact in the world, whilst giving them more time, and delivering lasting wealth. Realising these ambitions is easier said than done, with daily pressures blocking business expansion.

It’s one thing to know what you want in business, but it’s another thing entirely to be able to get there. Exponential business growth requires practical action steps to create sustainable pathways to more lucrative, rewarding outcomes.

Through this talk you will learn:

  • How successful entrepreneurs create lasting business freedom
  • Proven steps to set up business systems that run on autopilot
  • Strategies to deliver team certainty, sustainable growth and lifestyle choices


BOOK NOW and join us for a fabulous session of discovery.