MBN’s review of business offers and opportunities  


Business Connection Virtual Meeting –  11th May, 2021

Holly Cardamone, a communications specialist, writer and an unabashed Word Nerd will be presenting on powerful communications strategies and professional writing.




Member-Only Forum  –  25th May, 2021

Log 7:15am – 9:00am into your diary for this Member-Only meeting at Aura Café.




Why Women need a unique focus on their finances.

Linda Turner     Roy A. McDonald, Accountants & Fiducian, Financial Planning

For many reasons, women face additional hurdles when it comes to achieving financial freedom, so it’s important to take control of your finances now and be proactive when it comes to planning your financial future.  See our article to find out more https://royamcdonald.com/why-women-need-a-unique-focus-on-their-finances/   Please read more and feel free to contact their office for further assistance.



Any attempt to save a life is better than no attempt at all!

Pauline Fyffe    Parkorchards.org.au    9876 4381

Would you know what to do if a colleague hurt themselves? What would you do if there was heavy bleeding? Do you know the warning signs of a stroke or heart attack and would you be confident performing CPR to save a life?

HLTAID003 Provide First Aid will give you the skills and knowledge required to provide a first aid response, life support, and management of casualty(s), until the arrival of medical or other assistance. On successful completion, you will be issued with the nationally recognised Statement of Attainment. RTO 4008

First Aid Training

Saturday 29th May or Tuesday 15th June, 2021 between 8:30am and 4:00pm

Cost  $130.00  –   $20.00 discount for MBN Members.



Pineslearning courses

Kathy Galanis       www.pineslearning.com.au

Business Admin Skills Course

We have a nine-week Business Admin Skills course which will help with admin skills related to working in the office environment and will get you job ready by the end of the course.  This highly regarded course is three days per week (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays) and starts Tuesday 11 May.

Visit our website www.pineslearning.com.au or give Pines Learning a call on 98426726 and we will be happy to give you more information and  help you enrol in any of these courses.



Businesswomen’s Lunch

Whitehorse Business Group     www.whitehorsebusinessgroup.com.au

Women in Business Luncheon with Donna de Zwart CEO Fitted for Work

Thursday 20th May    11:45 am – 2 pm   Box Hill Golf Club

For bookings and more info visit our website



Keeping in touch

Russell Pearson    russell@russellpearson.com

Here’s a couple of things I’m running this week. Thought you might want to attend one, or both of them. You’re welcome to join in. Click the links for dates and times.  Stay Passionate and let’s speak soon.

How to Increase Your Leads & Win More Business (Free LIVE ONLINE Class)

The Future Proof Discussion Group (Roundtable Business Discussion)



Manningham Youth Employment Pathways Project

Kate Deliyiannis,  Project Officer, Ph 03 9870 7822   Mobile: 0455 512 375
Email: Kate.Deliyiannis@easternvolunteers.org.au         Website

We are inviting local business to get involved in an exciting new project, addressing unemployment amongst youth.  Empowered, confident and connection youth lead to a brighter and safer community for all.    Please contact Kate for full details of how your business can assist in supporting our young people by hosting a short term volunteer program.


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